воскресенье, 11 июля 2010
(lyrics)Nom nom nom nom
Nom nom nom nom
I wanna a Bulbasaur, I wanna Squirtle please
Shoot it, blast it, shock it, spray it. Attack that Butterfree (I caught it)
My grass type beat you water, yeah Im going for the kill,
And if you use your Psyduck I will use my Victreebel
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
My Meowth is hot, your Persian is not
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
My Lickitung wants to lick yo ______
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
I wanna Marowak, I want a Hitmonlee
Digletts such a bitch, and I already got Chancey
Mr. Mime and Poliwag, I already got two
You know I wear a rubber when Im catchin Pikachu
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
I get Oak hot, show him what I caught
Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh
My Lickitung still lickin yo ______
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
If I ever catch a Pichu
I wont tell
Its electric, Drowzees psychic
Is kinda scary
Not a sweet Clafairy
Jigglypuff is so highm mantinence
Then theres Jinx, whos kinda racist yeah
I promise this, promise this
My Pokeballs are so marvelous
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
Gotta catch, gotta catch
I got to catch dem Pokemon
(Hes gotta catch em all)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
P-p-p-pokemon, p-p-pokemon
(Nom nom nom nom)
На ютьюбе полно пародий, но эта пожалуй одна из лучших, и в плане исполнения, и в плане слов.
Мои соседи будут слушать эту песенку сегодня. Но они об этом ещё не знают...
Я плакалЪ © xD
Этот текст великолепен! Голос конечно не так хорош, как Гага, но... >w> om nom nom nom that song! <3
Ахахахахахахахахаа~ :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: